Coffee Brewing Guide

Dialling in espresso is an essential skill for all baristas. The rate at which ground coffee dissolves in water has a great effect on overall taste. Espresso flavour is influenced by ground weight, overall espresso weight and the time it takes to produce your espresso.
Using a simple ratio and following some easy-to-follow steps, we can extract a delicious and balanced espresso
With this recipe, aim to extract the espresso in 28-32 seconds with a total espresso weight of 36g (1:2 ratio)
- Coffee to water ratio: 18:36g (1:2)
- Coffee: 18g (fine grind)
- Water: 36g
- Extraction time: 28-32 second

The Cafetière brew method allows for more control and customisation in the brewing process, resulting in a richer and fuller-bodied flavour compared to drip coffee
Note: For this recipe, we're using 15g of coffee for 250ml of coffee.
- Coffee: 15g (coarse grind)
- Water: 250ml
- Prepare all ingredients and equipment
- Heat brewing water to 97°C
- Ensure cafetiere is clean and pre-warm with hot water. Dispose of water when vessel is warm.
- Grind the coffee at coarse grind (granulated sugar)
- Add 15g ground coffee to cafetiere
- Place cafetiere on scale and reset to zero
- Add 250ml of water to cafetiere in a circular motion, ensuring all grinds are immersed
- Stir 3 times
- Add plunger to top of cafetiere and allow to brew for 3 minutes
- After 3 minutes, take the plunger out and gently stir 3 times. Skim off top layer of coffee with two tablespoons and dispose.
- Place the plunger back on and brew until 6 minutes
- At 6 minutes, plunge until the mesh filter is touching the surface of the coffee in the cafetiere
- Pour the coffee into the cup.
- Enjoy

The V60 brewing method allows the subtlest of flavours to shine through, as well as being so easy to use. Anyone can get started with the V60 and enjoy amazing tasting coffees.
For this recipe, we're using 15g of coffee for 250ml of water.
Coffee: 15g (medium grind)
Water: 250ml
- Heat brewing water to 97°C
- Fold filter paper and place in V60
- Rinse filter paper with hot water to remove taints and preheat vessel
- Grind the coffee at a medium grind (caster sugar)
- Pour the ground coffee into the brewer and gently shake to flatten the coffee
- Place the V60 on scales and tare (zero)
- Start your timer as soon as you begin pouring
- Using a circular motion, bloom the coffee by pouring 45 grams of water before 30 seconds
- At 30 seconds, start the second pour. This time pouring until 100 grams of water on the scales.
- At 1:00, pour again until 150g is reached on the scale.
- At 1:30, pour the final amount of water until 250g of water is in.
- Wait for all the water to pass through the coffee grounds
- Your finished brew time should be around 3:00 - 3.30 minutes
- Enjoy

Using the Chemex, the double-bonded material removes virtually all of the oil out of the brewing coffee, therefore removing any trace of bitterness from your morning brew. The flavor of the Chemex coffee is bright, crisp, citrus-forward, and truly distinct in flavor.
For this recipe, we're using 30g of coffee for 500ml of water.
- Coffee: 30g (coarse grind)
- Water: 500ml
- Heat brewing water to 97°C
- Fold filter paper and place in Chemex
- Rinse filter paper with hot water to remove taints and preheat vessel
- Grind the coffee at a coarse grind (granulated sugar)
- Pour the ground coffee into the brewer and gently shake to flatten the coffee
- Place the Chemex on scales and tare (zero)
- Start your timer as soon as you begin pouring
- Using a circular motion, bloom the coffee by pouring 60 grams of water before 30 seconds
- At 30, gently pour another 250g of water into your Chemex.
- At 1:00, pour the rest of the water until there is 500g in total
- Give the Chemex a gentle swirl
- Wait for all the water to pass through the coffee grounds
- Your finished brew time should be around 4:00 - 4.30 minutes
- Enjoy

Brewing with the Aeropress, It brews several different kinds of rich, delicious coffee that's low in bitterness and acidity, quickly and with very little cleanup.
For this recipe, we're using 12g of coffee for 200ml of coffee.
- Coffee: 12g (medium grind)
- Water: 200ml
- Prepare all ingredients and equipment
- Add filter paper to cap and rinse with plenty of water
- Heat brewing water to 97°C
- Place AeroPress in inverted position (widened sections on top and bottom of brewer, with screw cap facing up)
- Grind your coffee at medium grind (caster sugar)
- Add 12g of ground coffee to brewing chamber of AeroPress and gently shake to ensure the coffee is level
- Place AeroPress on scales and reset to zero
- Start timer and pour in a circular motion, 200 grams of hot water
- Stir five times and ensure all grounds are wet and screw cap on the top of the AeroPress
- At 1:45, carefully flip the AeroPress onto a vessel
- At 2:00, press down firmly on the AeroPress to filter the brewed coffee. This should take around 20-30 seconds, keep pressing until you hear a ‘hissing’ sound
- Aim to have all your coffee out and brewed by 2:20 – 2:30 minutes
- Enjoy!